Deliberate Deceptions and Incredible Truths - Sunday, August 11th

Join us at Battle Lake Alliance Church Sunday August 11th for two sessions with special guest Paul Veit. Paul, also known as the Dino pastor, will share the truth about what has actually taken place in the creation vs. evolution debate.

Through the study of our past it has been proven that we have NOT evolved from the "primordial pond scum" we have been led to believe, but were created by God's Holy hand as described in the Biblical Book of Genesis.

This year Paul is sharing at two different times:

8:45-9:40 a.m. — Evolution vs. Creation (human perspective)

10 a.m. — Deliberate Deceptions

A freewill offering will be received for the ministry ‘Declare God’s Wonders’ — please make checks payable to Declare God’s Wonders.

Here is the most recent newsletter from Paul Veit’s ministry. What continues to be seen is that people are being lied to and that the Bible continues to be proven to be 100% accurate.


Here is a video from last time Paul was with us.