Get to know one another informally at Tables of Eight.
Enjoy some time getting to know one another
We’re going to have another round of an event called Tables of Eight. . Tables of Eight is a planned potluck meal for eight adults held in someone’s home. It's an opportunity to get better acquainted with people in the church that we may not know very well. All adults 18 years old and up -- single, married, young parents, empty-nesters, retirees, whether this has been your church home for 50 years or you’ve visited a few times, are invited to participate.
We’ve chosen two dates – Friday, September 20 and Saturday, September 21 for these gatherings.
There will be a sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall for the next couple of Sundays. Then everyone who signed up will be “assigned” to a group with a host. The host will decide on a menu or theme for the meal and contact the people in their group and ask them to bring an item for the meal.
The host or someone in the group might suggest a game or some other activity to do together if they want to, or the group can simply visit around a table while they share a meal. It’s that simple.
This is really intended to be a pretty laid-back, simple, relaxed evening with other adults in the church. No strings attached.
Contact us if you have questions!