God is more powerful than anything you face. Text: Revelation 4:10-11
God is trustworthy even when we go through suffering. Text: Isaiah 55:8-9
God never changes. You can trust Him with your life. Text: Psalm 102:25-27
Who is like our God? This week we explore the holiness of God in the first week of the 40 days of prayer. Text: Isaiah 6:1-7
What do you dedicate your life to? Text: Romans 12:1-2, Luke 2:21-22
What do we learn from Herod? We learn that evil cannot win! Text: Matthew 2:1-23
The kids share a special Christmas story.
The Magi served an important role in the birth of Jesus. Here is a little more of the rest of the story. Text: Matthew 2:1-12
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