Music in the Mountains, Anticipating the Summer Arts Academy
By Lee Hemming
We kicked off our fundraising for the Music in the Mountains project over a month ago. It was fun, wasn’t it? Fun aside, it was incredible to see the talent and gifts that were given on behalf of children half a world away.
The first peek at what Music in the Mountains could look like begins in a few days. From July 17-24, 13 children from the DaHua Orphanage will have a chance to explore music and art, perhaps for the very first time. These kids are from a very poor area. They may be living in the orphanage because their families were too poor to care for them.
Here is a video that shows some of what they face
Imagine learning to sing as part of a choir, performing with hand bells, learning the history of music, learning to draw or paint, and seeing your teachers perform! This opportunity is possible because the bullet train speeds allow them to travel for only a day, to learn; also because of our prayers and the efforts to raise funds to reach them.
What can we do to support these children?
* Pray for safety as students travel by bullet train and are away from home for a week.
* Pray for wisdom for teachers as they deliver culturally appropriate content.
* Pray for opportunities for teachers and staff to invest in the lives of these kids who have had to face many struggles in their young lives.
A Note from Lynne:
We are still seeking music teachers for the Fall. Please contact us or send this on to friends you know! Please pray for safety and protection for us during this time of nationwide heightened sensitivity. This Fall I will be doing a lot of travelling into rural communities. Pray for guidance and wisdom as we consider our next Music in the Mountains Project!
Looking Forward
We began a good work. Over $8000 was raised with our Silent Auction. As individuals, has God called us to give even more? Please seek His guidance to perhaps give to this ministry over and above your usual gift to the church.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him, and he will direct your path.” – Proverbs 3:5-6
To give to this cause — make checks payable to Battle Lake Alliance Church and put MIM in the memo. You may also give online. Select “Music in the Mountains” on the “Give to” section.