Are you faced with problems so large you aren’t sure how you will ever get through them?
Consider the stars and realize God hasn’t lost sight of any of them. That means He won’t lose sight of you.
Have you ever stopped to consider the complexities of the universe? Sometime when you are bored, go outside and just look at the stars. Scientists say that there are about 7,000 stars visible to the naked eye, although you will only be able to see about 2,000 of these at any given time. So even on the clearest night, you will only be able to see 1/3 of all the stars visible to us. But recent studies have suggested that there are more than 200 billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy, which by the way is only one of millions of galaxies. So try to count them, go ahead. One estimate is that there are three thousand million billion stars. ( a 13 with 16 zeros behind it) *
And then listen to this:
"He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.” - Psalm 147:4
Jim Cymbala in his book Breakthrough Prayer concludes all of this data then with these questions:
What big problem are you facing right now that is too hard for him?
What possible need is beyond his ability to supply?
This is an excerpt from a sermon preached at Battle Lake Alliance Church on February 9, 2020. Want to hear the whole sermon or other sermons on the book of Job? Check out our sermon page.
Join us Sundays at 10 a.m. for our current sermon series “When Good People Suffer” We are located in Battle Lake, MN.
*Stats taken from Jim Cymbala’s book Breakthrough Prayer.