Every year people show up to church services on Easter Sunday. This can bring with it a sense of routine on a Sunday that should be anything but routine! The resurrection of Jesus Christ provided for us a way to be right with God. Therefore, it is important that we never get tired of telling everyone about what Jesus has done.
Easter 2017 Plans
This year for our Easter service we are going to look at this through the eyes of the skeptic by asking this question: Is this really true? And if so, now what? We want to help people see the great implications of this message. We can know we are saved from our sin!
Palm Sunday Worship, April 9th at 10 a.m.
Easter Worship, April 16th at 10 a.m.
We hope you are able to join us and bring people with you who might have questions about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
For current sermons, check out our sermon page.
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