We are living in a time of noticeable tension for the church. On the one hand we have a desire to be together because there is power in the gathering of God’s people. Yet, at the same time, we know that the church doesn’t primarily exist for us, but rather for the people we are trying to reach with the Gospel. So how do we stay true to the mission of the church in a rapidly changing environment?
Lord, direct our eyes to You!
This has been on my mind over the past few months as the state has been consistently changing the guidelines surrounding businesses and other indoor gatherings, like a church service. How do we stay focused on what actually matters, when there are so many other obvious distractions around us? What does God have for us in this?
I was reading in Philippians 3 this week and there were a few areas that the Lord encouraged me with. First of all, there is a common focus for all in the church. If you read Philippians 3:12-14, what is listed there? We have all that Christ has given to us. In Him we have a direction to look and live, as we “press on toward the goal to which Christ calls us.” That is what matters! That is why we do this!
And then it goes on to remind them that there are things that people will naturally disagree about. He describes them as lesser things that “God will make clear to you.” In today’s church environment it could be political leanings, preferences on any number of things, or opinions on theological matters like prophecy. But the main thing is to live up to what we have obtained, namely the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 3:15-16)
Next Paul appeals to them in their differences and in their constant struggle to keep the right view. “Don’t forget that many people live as enemies of the cross.” (Philippians 3:18-20) In other words, don’t get so caught up in your own stuff that you forget what you are here for. Notice that he says this with tears in his eyes! Why? Because there are people who need to know Jesus Christ and are on the cusp of eternity without Him! We don’t want to push anyone away, we want to see people drawn in to know Christ. You see our citizenship is not on this earth, but is in heaven. We can put up with the chaos here knowing that there is something better. But remember, many people don’t have that same hope. Let’s share!
So here is what I jotted down then in my notes as it relates to all of the mandates and rules today:
We need you here!
1) We need you church! Now is not the time to pull back in frustration, but to move forward “pressing on toward the goal.” Why? Because Christ has already obtained all we need.
2) Don’t let mandates keep you away. I would rather have you come to the worship service than to see you stay away because of some concern over a mandate. People are more important than the rules. We need each other right now. So, stay close. If you can’t make it here because of health concerns, please engage with us online. We need you there also.
3) May God give to us His heart for the world. We might be stressed about all we see, but think about how much God loves the world and how despite of it, people still reject Him. There are opportunities all around us. I know I am praying for opportunities. Will you join me?
Church, this is our time to shine. This is our time to show the world what it means to be a part of a true community of faith. This is our time to pray and watch the Lord change people’s lives. If we don’t do that, who will?
- Pastor Derek
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