Sunday Classes- A Place for Everyone

Now is a great time to get involved in Sunday School classes.  These classes give us a chance to get to know people and grow in the Lord. Here is what is currently being offered. 

Class Options

Children's Classes fro Preschool through Elementary School

1) Preschool is taught by Cassie Holo
2) The elementary class is taught by Ryan and Christina Lill. 


These classes are using the Dig In Curriculum. 

Parents, this is intended to be a resource for you and your children as you disciple your kids.  Let us know how we can help you do that!

Classes for Teens and Adults

1) Living Victorious Lives in Christ, taking place in the fellowship hall led by Joyce Worner

 2) Pastor's Notes: Hebrews- taught by Pastor Derek, will be taking place in the new youth classroom by the library. This class  takes the Hebrews Sermon series and unpacks it further. .  Each lesson stands alone. The Sunday class will be unpacking the previous week's sermon text.  This will run concurrent with this series.

Join us this week!  9 a.m. in a class of your choice.  Get to know more people and go deeper with the Lord!  

Check out the calendar for more information about current events.