Keeping a clear view of Christ changes everything.
We started a new series on Sunday, January 21s in the book of Hebrews. And right upfront I want you to know how I am praying for and prepping this series. I want us to have a clear, unhindered view of Jesus Christ. I want you to feel like you have a front row seat and are experiencing the presence of God in your life. It concerns me how easily the heart can wander away. It bothers me to think that we can go through life and be known for so many things, but the most important part of us that should be seen, that should be overflowing out of us, is pressed down and ignored because we don’t see Jesus clearly. It bothers me to think that we could come into a worship service and totally miss out on what the Lord has for us because our view is set on other things. My heart longs for a passion inside of me and also inside of you that can’t be contained. We don’t need another religious gathering. We don’t need to look at the Bible with eyes glazed over and then move one. We don’t need more religious rules and rituals. We need to encounter Jesus Christ! We need to be filled with the Holy Spirit and empowered by Him to live.
I have come to this conclusion: Every time I have wandered in my faith without exception has come because my view of Jesus Christ has been clouded. Times when I have given in to temptation are times when I have lost sight of who Christ is. Times when I have started to complain about something in the church or lost interest in the Word have always been a symptom of an incorrect view of Christ. We need to keep the right view of Jesus Christ because sometimes things look a little bleak. Sometimes the thoughts that enter into our minds are not helpful and actually take us down roads of despair, doubt, and fear. Sometimes the things that appeal to our hearts are counterfeit and deadly poison for us and if we would just keep the view of Jesus Christ in front of us, we would see how vastly superior He is to anything. And then there is no reason to grab on to anything else because Jesus Christ is seen and known inside our hearts! You are experiencing His life inside of you!
It is a journey of faith we are on; a journey we need other people for. You are welcome to join us this week as we discover more of what that means. We meet Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. in Battle Lake, MN.
You can hear the sermon from January 21st by heading over to our sermon page.