We are now entering a time of year when many people are thinking about getting closer to Jesus Christ. With that in mind, I would like to encourage us to think about tending to our own souls during this month. This is about being with the Lord and is more important than just constantly doing for Him.
Permission Granted to Take Care of You
Get alone. Be still. Refresh.
In a recent message, I shared the verse from Philippians 2:12 which tells us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. That does not mean we are earning our salvation, but rather we are taking the condition of our soul seriously. This is important because when we start to think things are fine, that is when things really aren't.
Commit to taking 30 Days in the Word
Let's be honest. There is a disconnect between the average Christian and the amount of time spent looking into God's Word. This should not be the case because time in the Word is time with Jesus Christ! My encouragement to everyone is to find a way to be in the Word every day for 30 days and watch how it changes you. Don't worry about the length of time or the number of passages read. Just do it. Seriously. We are all busy and have things that need to get done. Find a way to carve out time for the Word of God. You will be blessed which will then allow you to bless others.
Pray With a Listening Posture.
Jesus' disciples asked to be taught how to pray and then they were taught. Take time in this 30 days to pray purposefully. Pray for your friends. Pray for the community. Pray for the church. Ask the Lord to speak to you and change your heart.
Take 60 Minutes And Be Quiet
Honestly, if you do this you will find that 60 minutes is really not enough. But you need to start somewhere. Take some time to be alone with God. No phone, music, social media. Just sit in His presence. This will make a significant difference in how close you are walking with God. Try it out, don't take my word for it.
I hope you are able to find some space this month to sit at the Lord's feet. Rest. Refresh. Be filled.
Battle Lake Alliance Church exists to help people know Jesus. Are you curious about who we are? Check out the page with videos sharing their