I was looking through some boxes in the basement when I came across an old video camera. Do you remember these? They actually had tapes you put inside of them in order to record something. My grandpa used to video tape all of our family events and then we would need a special adapter to watch them in the VCR. Having the camera took effort and planning. We then moved on to digital cameras, which gave us an easier means of getting video, but still involved extra steps to upload them.
Now we have instant access to video because most of us carry a camera at all times in our smartphones. Things like Facebook live has now made it possible for anyone to stream what they are doing at any given moment with almost instant feedback.
Do something kind for someone else
The Right Motive
The Bible talks about how people will be lovers of themselves even more so as time passes. It says that in the last days people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud.....and the list goes on. (see 2 Timothy 3:2-3) This creates a problem for the church of Jesus Christ because we are called to love people bringing glory to Him, not us. That means we need to be very careful about our motives for acts of kindness. Are we doing it because people are watching or are we doing them because we love Jesus Christ?
Be The Church
What our communities really need are people who are the Church. That is what brings glory to Christ. We are the Church no matter where we are or what we are doing. That means that whether the camera is on or not, be the Church. Love the poor, broken, and lonely. Pray for people. Pray with people. Share about the hope you have. Be kind to people. Involve yourself in the workings of the local community and be a witness for Jesus there. Feed the hungry. Visit the sick. Care for the widow. Make this community a better place because the church of Jesus Christ is here!
Battle Lake Alliance Church exists to help people know Jesus Christ. I pray that we love our community well because the life of Jesus Christ is in us. We love because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19)
Are you looking for a church family? We would love to have you join us. We are located in Battle Lake, MN.