Living a Worthy Life
When Paul was writing his letter to the church in Ephesus, he made an emphatic statement about how we are to live. “I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” The reference here is to how someone carries themself around others – whether those in the church or not. How do you live a life worthy of the calling?
“Be completely humble and gentle; be patience, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” (Ephesians 4:1-3)
God shows His love to us each day.
The Life of Christ Among Us
There is such diversity in people that having unity is something that only comes by the Spirit of God. I am often amazed when I come into different local churches and see the many different people there. How fun it really is that we can have such an expression of the life of Jesus Christ among us! There is nothing like the Church because Jesus is our bond of peace. Of course right now there are strong divisions in our country over almost everything. These issues are important issues and as a result, incite passionate responses. And so it is that Paul reminds us to be humble, be gentle, be Spirit filled people so that despite all of the differences of ideas, backgrounds, and lives, there can be a unity in love. This is not natural to us, but it is a witness of the life and power of Jesus Christ among us.
A United Church
The world needs a united Church with a united message of salvation through Jesus Christ alone. It needs a Church that is compelled by the love of Christ and is willing to look at other people and love them with the love of Christ. After all we are all just as guilty of sin and all in need of the forgiveness offered to us at the cross of Jesus Christ. It takes a willingness to focus your energy on the person and work of Jesus Christ – the truth of His Word for us all. We must not waver there because a relationship with Jesus Christ is what will save people. Nothing else.
Blessings on your week,
Join us on Sundays at 10 a.m. in Battle Lake, MN
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