The Church gathers all around the world with one purpose: to worship God. We are a part of something bigger than our local church.
I saw a commercial this past week where a wife told her husband that on Sunday they were taking her parents out on the boat. He gets a disturbed look in his eyes and takes off toward the water, where he proceeds to untie his boat and push it off. All he says, “Not on my Sunday.” The message could not be clearer: Sunday is for football and you must rearrange your life for football. This commercial stirred up a concern I continue to have about Sundays. There has been an alarming trend in the local church over the years to be less and less involved on Sunday mornings in worship. It is as if we have gotten so busy that we tell ourselves that since I can worship God wherever I am, I will just stay home today. There are always things to do, sleep to catch up on, or maybe football to watch. This is a dangerous direction to head in our lives because we exist to worship God and this life of faith was never intended to be done in isolation. We are too busy not to be in church on Sunday!
If you read through the Old and New Testament you find this emphasis on the worship of God in community. Worship must take place and we must do this together for the sake of our own spiritual life, as well as for the community. In fact listen to the way David praise God in the context of that community in 1 Chronicles 29:
“Praise be to you, O LORD, God of our father Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Yours, O Lord is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, O LORD, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all.” 1 Chronicles 29:10b-11
Worship God together
There is something so much more powerful about getting together with other believers and declaring that. There is a momentum that flows out of a gathering of the church that helps increase our faith and moves us into the challenges we face in our lives. We need the local church and our communities need the local church. The church is God’s plan to reach the world. The life of the local church actually flows out of the worship that takes place in that local church. In other words, if worship is not a personal priority for the church family, it will influence every other aspect of the church.
I challenge you to make personal worship of God a priority, as well as, being at the corporate worship service on Sunday. When the world tries to tell you that Sunday is just another day for you, remember what Jesus did for you. There is nothing better than getting together to exalt Him for that. Give it a try and see how God uses that in your own life.
Some people have physical problems that keep them from coming every week. Did you know that all of the weekly sermons are posted on our website? You could even download our mobile app and follow along that way. It is available on the App Store, as well as on Google Play.
Are you looking for a place to join in that worship of God? Join us at 10 am. Contact us.